Predictive Maintenance Enables Better Truck Repair
Despite the automotive and aerospace industries seeing the greatest advancements in diagnostic maintenance tools overall, the trucking industry is definitely catching up. SAE International actually classifies truck repairs as having reached the second of five levels of technical effectiveness. The reason for this is the development of telematics, the long distance transfer of digitised information. Telematics provides real-time data about a vehicle to technicians who then conduct manual diagnosis and repair.
Improvements in trucking components and systems make it easier to use predictive maintenance (PDM) to determine where a problem lies within a vehicle. More sensors with better resolution have been developed and included in truck systems. These provide a technical readout of the internal workings of a truck. Sensors can be plugged by diagnostic equipment to determine where issues are and how to solve them. Warranties are considered proactive when instant data transmissions allow technicians to service a part before it becomes fully defunct.
Equipment failures and asset conditions can be evaluated using cost effective predictive maintenance programs. Maintenance costs tend to be lower when issues are identified before a part has worn out completely or before adjacent parts have been damaged too.
A survey of 250 owner operators in the trucking industry found a leading 33% of participants reported predictive maintenance was the top technology investment they planned in the following 12-24 months. Predictive maintenance has been praised as having the biggest impact on warranty provision and truck lifespan of any technology developed in the recent past.
The reason for this large commitment to predictive maintenance technology is because it allows for proactive behaviour regarding warranties. When defects can be identified before a component has completely stopped working, warranties can be claimed at no out of pocket expense. This limits the liability of truck drivers who, historically, may have been hesitant to get a service due to the cost. It also reduces the instances of truck drivers who become stuck on the road due to a faulty part.
Being proactive about a warranty also reduces the collateral damage that may be sustained by the truck. No surprises, no disruptions and easier claims processing are all enabled by the use of predictive maintenance. By being alerted to problematic components or parts by telematics, truck owners can decide to schedule maintenance right away, rather than risk a total failure by driving an extra 20,000km.
Historically, oil changes, the valve train, air conditioning cartridges, diesel particulate cleanings and DEF filters have been replaced proactively following predictive maintenance. Now, however, advances in the field enables technicians to monitor and diagnose engines, aftertreatment systems, automated transmissions, HVAC systems, low-voltage connections, cab components and wheels. In the future, truck drivers can expect to rely on machine learning and the internet of things (IOT) to provide a complete data set detailing the condition of every component in their truck.
If it’s time for scheduled maintenance, call Sydney Truck Electrical today for a quick call-out and rapid diagnosis of your truck’s problems. Our mobile truck mechanic in Sydney has been operating 24 hours per day for over 20 years. Call us on 0423 286 455 to schedule your appointment with our team. We’ll take a look at your truck using telematics and can replace any component that is faulty.
It helps to schedule maintenance management on a regular basis. Our maintenance team can schedule a regular work order for you and your fleet. We perform oil analysis and vibration analysis among an ever increasing list of services. Our predictive maintenance devices converge with your truck’s sensors to provide information about faulty pieces of equipment. Trust our mobile mechanic as your preferred supplier and call today for any repairs to your trucks or trailer.